Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesdays with Nery

Long breaks would normally cause boredom, but today was not a normal day. I actually used all my time productively. Let me recount what had happened today...

I woke up at 7am and was ready to go to school at 8am for my 8:30am Math 17 class. Sadly, my driver arrived at 8:45am. Luckily, my professor doesn't check attendance. So instead of going to class, I studied at home instead. I studied for three hours since I'll be having an exam the next day. After three studious hours, I ate my lunch, rested a bit, and went to school for PE.

I don't really do anything in PE since I'm injured, so instead of just watching my classmates stretch their hearts out, I studied math some more. After PE, I went straight to my next class, Physics 10. We got the results of the first exam, and discussed a bit.

My class ended at 3:45PM and I went to Kapuluan, a study center, to meet with someone. I met with him since we were to teach little kids the alphabet. We finally meet and we walked to the nearby San Vicente Elementary School, or something like that. We taught Grade 1 kids the letters A, B, C and D. We were teaching them until it was around 5pm.

It was raining really hard so we waited in the school for a while, hoping that the rain would somehow be lighter. Eventually, we left the school to go back to Kapuluan. We arrived at the center at around 5:30PM, wet and tired. I studied some more math until it was 6pm.

Six o'clock means it's time for the Christian Doctrine Class (or CDC for short). The priest discussed freedom, morals, and merits. I learned a lot from that class.

The CDC ends at 7pm and I could finally go home! So we did (me and my sophomore brother). We arrived home at around 8pm. It took us twice as long to get home because of an abnormally heavy traffic on Ortigas and the floodway.

Finally, I got home and had dinner. I went upstairs and chatted with Elora [I deserve a break, okay. =))] while applying the finishing touches on my first term paper for English 1 which is due the next day. (Take note: I was applying the finishing touches, not typing it from the start. Cramming is bad :|) When she left, Ivan invited me to a conference. As I was reading what the people were typing in the conference, I was thinking about my AIESEC group. (for those of you who still don't know, I'm the leader of this group) Our agenda is to recruit interns, send them abroad, and make sure that they have the desire to become AIESEC members when they get back home. I was planning and thinking of projects and activities to make it happen. I'm scheduling meetings just to make sure that every single member is doing his job, and actually have a job assigned to him.

At 11:30PM everything was now finished except for printing the stuff. I printed my two-page paper and did an errand for my other brother by printing three copies of his resume (a total of six pages). And by the way, I did all that with the lights out, since the printer is in our room and my other brother is already sleeping. All I have to do now is to wake up tomorrow at 5:20am.

Yes, I will be having five hours of sleep. I will be going to mass at 6:45AM in Kapuluan, and do some last-minute studying for math. I'll leave the center at around 8:15AM so I can arrive on time for my math exam. My exam will end at around 10AM and the next thing to do is to pass my paper to my English 1 professor. My English 1 class, my last class for the day, will end at 11:30AM. That will finally be my last class for the day, but that doesn't mean I'm done already.

After my class, I'll go to the shopping center (Don't let the name fool you. It's not much of a shopping center at all) and have lunch. After that, go to confession. After that, go to my meeting at the BA building with my AIESEC group at around 1PM. After that, THEN I can relax.

So why am I still blogging despite everything? Meh. I just wanted to document what had happened. This is probably my most stressful two-day period ever. This is also probably my longest blog post ever. Nevertheless, I'm narrating this to show you guys that you people are not the only ones experiencing stressful moments, that I can, in fact, use my time productively in contrast to what I've been doing in high school, that I am not the lazy bum I used to be, and that I will do whatever it takes to prepare myself to the outside world.

I want to learn as much as I can and to give as much as I can to be very prepared for the corporate world. Maybe you're thinking that freshie year is a year to relax. I beg to differ. Our first year in college is our chance to invest on knowledge. We have so much free time, so let's use it productively.


...and yes, this happens every Wednesday.

[Note: Sorry kung may mga typos and errors in grammar. Inaantok na ako eh haha :))]

1 comment:

  1. I liked this post of yours. I found it... meaningful and stuff. XD
